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Educational Blockchain Membership Test Program


  • Allow the use of Pressure Soft Wash LLC to the Educational Blockchain Membership Test program being build by Samwwjd.eth
  • Create a contract in real life that establishes how this program could work.
  • Allow a small portion of proceeds from the Company to be determined for the creation and building of digital assets on the Algorand blockchain. These assets will be laid out in the roadmap at
  • The purpose of this project is to create a real world blockchain alternative to an IPO. It would make a decentralized way of people investing in, liquidating that investment, and receiving rewards and even influence in the direction the company takes.
  • This project is EDUCATIONAL. It is SEPARATE from the company. Participation is at your own risks. All transactions will be visible on the block chain, we will document anytime we make a transaction. All transactions made by parties we don’t know or solicit will be recorded on the blockchain. We may or may not make not of transactions in the project that occur not at our direction.
  • There will be 3 Tokens, and 1 microNFT
  • microNFT is 1,000 units, indivisible
  • Token1 is PSWvalue. This token IS divisible and exchanges 2:1 for the microNFT (there is a fee paid in algo for the transfer of the microNFT which covers the fees for the person selling the microNFT)
  • Token2 is PSWdividend. This token is distributed to holders of the microNFT and is in a liquidity pool (LP) with Token3
  • Token3 is PSWLiquidityRewards. This token is in an LP with goBTC, goETH, USDCalgo, possibly Algo directly but possibly not, and algoUSDt, and is also exchangeable for Token3. This is the token that would be used to get into the project. If you exchange one of the LP tokens for Token3, you can then use that to exchange for token2, which would be used to buy PSWvalue tokens. Holders of this token would benefit from the value of the project going up, and would lose value if they sold their token after the project went down in value. It would be more liquid than the actual microNFT and as such easier to get in and out of that position.
  • microNFT hodlers would receive a quarterly disbursement of Token3. This would be in the form of taking any contributions from Pressure Soft Wash LLC in the form of loan repayments/interest payments, and buying token3 with them, and then distributing them equally based on microNFT holdings. The NFT holders could then sell these tokens without affecting the price of token3 much, and use the proceeds of goEth or goBTC or USDC or USDt
  • Currently the wallet at pressuresoftwash.algo holds 997 microNFTs. ASA#519558439 other tokens are not minted
  • Needs:
    • Smart Contract Developer
    • Tokenomics Expert
    • Legal Council
    • Liquidity
  • Currently anyone who sends $250 in USDC, USDt, goBTC, goETH to pressuresoftwash.algo, will receive 1 PSWvalue token, in return for the contribution. Upon launch they would also receive 100 in PSWLiquidityRewards at mint. It would be advisable not to liquidate these rewards tokens early in the project as we are trying to build equity that could be loaned to the company to purchase real world advertising, equipment, and more. These would be voted on my microNFT holders (currently 997 of these are held buy the board in a members custody)
  • This is also NOT an investment in the company. You are contributing to a real world educational project being built and executed real time, that intends to evolve into a system of IPO replacement for a company to raise funds and launch or grow.
  • It is an educational club focused on the success of a real world business that might turn into a mutual benefit.
  • It is NOT financially advisable that you put money into this project as an investment you expect a return on. Any disbursments by the club as dividends are NOT a return on an investment, and are simply a benefit to being a member. When the project grows it feeds back to it’s members.
  • If holders believe in the real world company, they should participate in the project. Proceeds from this educational project are owned by the company, in exchange for the use of the Company name. The real world company will benefit from the success of the educational project. But it is only allowing the use of the name to be used by those involved in the project. As such if the educational project fails it will not endanger the company
  • at the initial Whitelist we will only distribute 200 PSWvalue. 200 of them would also be added to an LP with 200 microNFTs, and 600 of them would be set aside in the treasure account currently ANYONE can send 200USDt to pressuresoftwash.algo and receive 1 microNFT and an invitation to register for rewards, we don’t have a whitelist yet, OR a launch date, and it’s possible you would never get anything other than the microNFT of our Logo to hold and cherish in your wallet. You should be aware that this is NOT an investment or a safe investment. It is simply an educational project.
  • If you contribute please join our discord and get to know us. We want and need active members for our project.
  • If you don’t contribute PLEASE JOIN ANYWAY if you think it’s cool!
  • pressuresoftwash.algo
  • Roadmap: You are here
  • About IRL Company
  • IRL Company Contact
  • EBMTP Head: SamWWJD.eth
  • Owner of the EBMTP (Educational Blockchain Membership Test Program) Samuel Beresford; a board member of Pressure Soft Wash LLC The EBMTP is not a security, nor is it representative of the company. Anything done by the project is meant to protect and benefit the company while using it’s name and logo only to build a real world example of how a company might be able to do an IPO on the blockchain. it is NOT something you should invest in expecting a return. if you think it’s fun, if you think it’s cool, if you want to be a part of it, then join us. If you’re looking to make an investment, stay far away from this project!
  • Any value the project generates will be used to lend to the company, or pay the project team, or start a DAO with the technology this educational project creates.